DAMAR Services, Indianapolis, Indiana

Started by two parents wanting the best for their own children with disabilities, Damar had a narrow focus: Care for children with a specific set of needs. Over time, however, Damar’s approaches and expertise proved helpful to a much broader group of people. So Damar innovated, adapted and expanded its vision.

Today, Damar Services sets itself apart by delivering remarkable care and remarkable results for remarkable people of all ages and with a wide range of needs. Throughout the last 50 years, Damar never lost sight of one fact: developmental and behavioral disabilities never affect just one person … they affect entire families.

And so, even as it has become a national leader among organizations serving children and adults with developmental and behavioral disabilities, Damar continues its commitment to serving both its clients and the families and caregivers who surround them.

For More Information, Go To: http://www.damar.org

Our Road to Remarkable from Damar Services on Vimeo.

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